To manage, conserve, and protect the natural resources of the Lavaca Basin in a responsible manner that provides opportunities for growth and benefits the public.

About Us

The Lavaca-Navidad River Authority (LNRA) is a regional water provider and owns, operates and manages Lake Texana and its associated operating facilities, property, and recreation centers.  The LNRA provides and delivers surface water to municipal and industrial customers including the City of Corpus Christi, Formosa Plastics, Inteplast, the City of Point Comfort, and the Calhoun County Port Authority.  In addition to the water-based operations, the LNRA also owns, operates, and manages the Brackenridge Recreation Complex that includes Brackenridge Park & Campground, Texana Park and Campground, and the Main Event Center at Brackenridge.

For more information, please read the links below:

LNRA Enabling Act


LNRA Annual Financial Report 2024