To manage, conserve, and protect the natural resources of the Lavaca Basin in a responsible manner that provides opportunities for growth and benefits the public.

Public Information
Employment Opportunities

Join Our Team

The Lavaca-Navidad River Authority is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

LNRA is committed to equal opportunity employment. LNRA provides an environment in which employment decisions affecting applicants for employment and employees at all levels are based on their ability to perform a given job without regard to race, sex, color, sexual preference, national origin, religion, age or physical or mental disability.

To apply for employment:
● Complete Employment Application
● Applications will be accepted at LNRA’s Main Office located at 4631 FM 3131, or may be
mailed to P.O. Box 429, Edna, TX 77957

We currently have an open position for the following:

System Administrator

Law Enforcement Officer

Project Maintenance Operator Full-Time

Project Maintenance Operator Part-Time

Project Maintenance Technician Part-Time